Wednesday, 14 September 2016

Our Journey into Journalling is already coming alive!

With thanks to our site coordinator from Healthy Living School at Vivo, Leigh Delong:

Found Poetry
Sept. 13, 2016

How do we get our kids to Journal?
It’s great!    Raise the bar!
A for colouring
A+ for creativity
Alright, let’s get started…
Open your journals up
Pages turning…
Their teacher lost it!
Simple pictures  and  words  spark complex ideas.
I feel like there is a connection.
When he would dream everything got more colourful
Changes over time
You almost forget that you are learning.

Found Poetry – CC/OM Evening Session

Spending time with books
Moving, misty eyed, fabulous artwork
Sense of place
Everyday things; important
Excitement authentic
Lesson planning multi entry points
Books smell good
Inquiry vocabulary art by kids


Thursday, 8 September 2016

New Beginnings

Each year coordinators from each site get together at the beginning of our school year to plan and collaborate for the year ahead.

We're excited to see how our Campus Calgary/Open Minds mission will take shape this year. Together our goal is 
To tr​ansform teaching and le​​a​​rning ​​by i​​ncreasing student engagement through community, funder, and educatio​nal partnerships.
And our long term vision is to ensure:
Each student exp​eriences p​​​ersonalized learning within a con​nected com​mu​nity.
Coordinators shared one word that summarized their hopes and priorities for the year ahead:

We also had an opportunity to share artifacts, contributing to a Living Museum.  This Living Museum provided a foundation for a collaborative discussion on how our year can unfold.

Opportunities for collaboration and conversation continue to be an important part of our work together!

Together, we're looking forward to ensuring "Lifeworthy Learning"!

Friday, 2 September 2016

Partner Research Schools Conference

Campus Calgary/Open Minds was pleased to be a part of the first Partner Research Schools Conference in August 2016 by hosting conference participants and guests for a day at the Calgary Zoo, one of the 11 CC/OM sites in Calgary.

Partner Research Schools Conference
Planned jointly between College of Alberta School Superintendents (CASS) Zone 5, Alberta Education and the University of Calgary, the Partner Research Schools Conference provided opportunities for dialogue regarding leading innovation through research - active inquiry and practice.

With a mission to transform teaching and learning by increasing engagement through community, funder and educational partnerships and a vision for each student to experience personalized learning within a connected community, Campus Calgary/Open Minds is a unique and innovative program in the City of Calgary.

Participants and guests of the conference learned about the CC/OM Program, conservation efforts at the Calgary Zoo, and the way in which the impact of  the CC/OM collaboration has been measured through a Chevron sponsored Social Return on Investment.

Behind the Scenes with Subari
And of course, we shared in experiences available to students during their custom designed weeks of learning in the Campus Calgary/Open Minds Program!  CC/OM thanks its many dedicated partners and looks forward to an exciting 2016-2017 school year!

" We do not learn from experience....we learn from reflecting on experience." - John Dewey