We are pleased to be offering our next Professional Learning Opportunity for 2015/2016 participating teachers. As a reminder to this year's teachers:
Workshop Information
Workshop Information
Now what?
Keeping the CC/OM journey
alive throughout the year…
Date: Wednesday, February 3
Time: 4:30-7:00 (doors open
at 4:00)
Place: North Haven School –
4922 North Haven Drive NW Light dinner will be provided.
Open to all teachers
participating in Campus Calgary/Open Minds
2015-16 school year.
Part A: Come hear from
your colleagues as they share their journey with CC/OM. How have they kept the
inquiry alive? How do journals support the inquiry? The big idea has to
live everywhere…how does this happen? Different grades and sites will be
represented in this sharing session.
Part B: All
participants are asked to bring an artifact/piece of student work that
demonstrates where you are in the journey. Things to consider include:
How have you honoured
student voice?
How is the inquiry coming
Where are connections being
made and growing?
Space is limited. Please
RSVP by February 1st to secure your space.