Thursday, 28 January 2016

Professional Learning | Now What? | February 3rd 4:30-7:00 (Doors Open at 4:00)

We are pleased to be offering our next Professional Learning Opportunity for 2015/2016 participating teachers.  As a reminder to this year's teachers:

Workshop Information

Now what?
Keeping the CC/OM journey alive throughout the year…

Date: Wednesday, February 3
Time: 4:30-7:00 (doors open at 4:00)
Place: North Haven School – 4922 North Haven Drive NW Light dinner will be provided.

Open to all teachers participating in Campus Calgary/Open Minds
2015-16 school year.

Part A:  Come hear from your colleagues as they share their journey with CC/OM. How have they kept the inquiry alive? How do journals support the inquiry?  The big idea has to live everywhere…how does this happen?  Different grades and sites will be represented in this sharing session.

Part B:  All participants are asked to bring an artifact/piece of student work that demonstrates where you are in the journey. Things to consider include:
How have you honoured student voice?
How is the inquiry coming alive?
Where are connections being made and growing?

Space is limited. Please RSVP by February 1st to secure your space.

Tuesday, 26 January 2016

Community and Collaboration

Ms. Barrie’s class of grade 5/6 students from Captain John Palliser explored the inquiry of Community and Collaboration during their week at Healthy Living School at Vivo for HealthierGenerations.  Throughout the week, students spoke to many experts about what is in a community and how do partners collaborate to create a healthy community.

These students created metaphors of Community and Collaboration to demonstrate their learning.  On Thursday afternoon they held a showcase in the lobby of Vivo to show their magnificent pieces of art and to describe their metaphors.

Students sharing their community metaphor to Vivo's CEO, Sue Scott

Students unveil their video metaphor to Jennifer Gray

How is community like a layered cake?  Munch on that . . . 

Blog Contributed by Leigh Delong, site coordinator for Healthy Living School

Tuesday, 19 January 2016

Alumni Reflection | My Open Minds Experience

My first experience with Open Minds was 12 years ago as a Grade Five student with Zoo School. We had begun studying animal habitats and were told that for one week we would be at the zoo studying any animal we wanted. I was keen to study the tigers so the tiger enclosure became my classroom for a week. We were given journals to document our experiences and would reconvene in the Tom Baines classroom to learn about other animals from the zoo staff. At the end of the experience, we went behind the scenes with the elephants and had the opportunity to participate in their bathing session. As a result, we actually got to wash and feed them! This experience is still the most memorable of my school career along with one of my favourites from my childhood.
Taking what we learned from Zoo School our task was to then create our own original animals and design an appropriate enclosure for them. I distinctly remember how excited I was when I did this project and the effort I put into it. The impact this experience had on my learning was something I cannot forget. I remember being excited, engaged, inspired, and I felt like an true expert. 
The lasting impact of Open Minds was unlike anything I have ever experienced. My mother volunteered for trip and we still talk about how fun it was for not only the kids but for the parents too. Now as I embark on a career as an elementary teacher, having experienced this program as a student firsthand, I understand the kind of impact it can make for my future students. The immersive quality of this program makes it utterly unique and a program I hope to use with my students one day. The school I am currently doing my field experience in will be partaking in the Science School program at TELUS Spark in May. I am excited to experience the program again however this time through the lens of a pre-service teacher!
Open Minds truly opened up my mind to many opportunities and allows students to experience learning that is palpable and meaningful.
Marina Drvodelic
Age: 22

Current University of Calgary Werklund School of Education Student (Graduating June 2016)

We welcome contributions from our many alumni!  Within our 23 years, have you participated in a Campus Calgary/Open Minds experience?  If you are interested in sharing your memory or story of impact, let us know!

Thursday, 7 January 2016

The Community is Calling... CC/OM in 2016/17

Are you ready to apply for the 2016-17 school year??

Important Dates:

Information Meeting for teachers new to Campus Calgary/Open Minds will be Thursday, January 28, 2016 at TELUS Spark.  Doors open at 4:00 – program from 4:30-7:00. Please RSVP using the Google form:  by January 26th. This is meeting will provide information into CC/OM and the application process. Meet ALL of our site coordinators and hear about the potentials each site has to offer.

Campus Calgary/Open Minds 101 will be at Teachers Convention Friday, February 12th at 9:00-10:15 hosted in the City Hall School Classroom on the main floor of the Municipal Building.  

Proposal Writing Workshop will be at Teachers Convention Friday, February 12th at 11:00-12:15 hosted in the City Hall School Classroom on the main floor of the Municipal Building. Please see the teachers convention website for more details.

For the most current updates on applications, in-services and updates please check the website  

Applications for the 2016-17 year are due April 11, 2016

For further information please contact us 
