This week there have been two examples of classes taking their questions up in ways that weren't available to us not so long ago.
Learners at Healthy Living School at Vivo had a class question they weren't quite able to ask face-to-face so they asked it in a different way:
Great questions! I would have to say: put family first, eat healthy, stay active and help others. #yyc #community
— CGYFireFighters (@CGYFireFighters) November 26, 2015
Learners at Aero Space School at the Aero Space Museum had a similar experience. Looking at "unseen forces" they weren't quite sure how to interpret some symbolism on artifacts that were grabbing learners' attention:
@ShelleyWL Hello Alliah. Bird is an eagle, representing space shuttle. Sun represents life (my crew performed many life science experiments)
— Robert Thirsk (@RobertThirsk) November 25,
Do you have an example of how you're able to connect and question differently today because of the learning tools available to us now?