From all of the CC/OM TEAM to you:
We wish you the merriest of holidays and well deserved break.
See you in 2016!
Great questions! I would have to say: put family first, eat healthy, stay active and help others. #yyc #community
— CGYFireFighters (@CGYFireFighters) November 26, 2015
Learners at Aero Space School at the Aero Space Museum had a similar experience. Looking at "unseen forces" they weren't quite sure how to interpret some symbolism on artifacts that were grabbing learners' attention:
@ShelleyWL Hello Alliah. Bird is an eagle, representing space shuttle. Sun represents life (my crew performed many life science experiments)
— Robert Thirsk (@RobertThirsk) November 25,
Do you have an example of how you're able to connect and question differently today because of the learning tools available to us now?**Our Friday morning sessions are intentionally back-to-back with the conference-wide break in the middle. This allows you to attend either session or both combined depending on your previous experience. Both Friday sessions are at our City Hall School classroom in the main atrium of Municipal Plaza, steps away from the Telus Convention Centre.
"Your beliefs become your thoughts.
Your thoughts become your words.
Your words become your actions.
Your actions become your habits.
Your habits become your values.
Your values become your destiny" --GandhiInteresting to have this discussion as we embark on International Day of the Child on November 20th. What do we value in terms of our children as learners? How does this translate into belief?